Our projects

The Enlivened Cooperative is currently active in three thematic seedbeds in which we develop projects and research actions.

Enlivening Technology

  • How do we design convivial technologies which bring us closer to each other, our communities and ecologies?
  • How do we use technology in a balanced way, honoring our bodies, our senses, and our relationship to our surrounding ecology in a world where learning and relationships happen increasingly online mediated by screens?

Project: Enlivened Learning Web

A new kind of Learning Management System (LMS) that is responsive to place-based learning and to the other needs of a regenerative and enlivened pedagogy through diverse and experimental modes of convivial and blended learning. The design principle of this technological platform is centered on democratic access, environmental impact and accounts for the limited computer and internet access that characterizes so much of our world.

Cosmopolitical and Enlivened Learning

  • What might learning and educational institutions look like if it was at the service of our diverse ecologies, cultures, economies, spiritualities and life within our planetary home?
  • How can learning and education be re-imagined so that it includes multiple systems of knowledge for a world where many worlds co-inhabit?
  • How can we learn holistically with all our beings - head, heart, hands and our relationships to others and to place, towards our common flourishing and well-being?

Project: Action-research and community engagement

A collective inquiry in solidarity through our programs to further develop our learning, practices, tools, skills, and concepts. This action-research is being carried out with friends of the enlivened cooperative and will involve learners and alumni from our programs.

Community Eco-Social Regeneration

  • What are the processes, practices, leadership, tools, skills, concepts, and sensibilities we need to co-construct pluri-(and inter)-cultural, socially and ecologically just and flourishing communities?
  • How do we live by and practice social, racial, economic, cognitive, earth and inter-species justice towards our common well-being?
  • How can we learn from the examples of others and learn and inquiry in solidarity with other people and communities?

Projects: Enlivened Learning Library

A multimedia resource base with videos, texts, podcasts and other resources created and put together by the Enlivened Cooperative community and friends. This open source resource base focuses on learning for eco-social regeneration.

Do you want to collaborate with us to host a workshop or event around the above themes with members of your organization or group? Get in touch with us!

2021 - Copyleft, all wrongs reversed :).