
These are the current active members of the Enlivened Cooperative who have been sowing the initial seeds of this organization. Our current courses contain colleagues with whom we are also collaborating. As the ecology of active participants flourishes, so does the cooperative. If you want to collaborate with us in a course, project or inquiry do get in touch.


Edomyas is a facilitator of enlivened learning spaces; encourager of curiosity about self and the world; nurturer of meditations and reflections; storyteller in visual, written, and oral forms. He is an organizer of projects, processes, and operations - and a collaborator in seeking the deepest truths in ourselves. Edomyas is inspired by the profound interconnections that permeate all facets of life.


Social activist, unprofessionalized intellectual, unschooled father, manager of open collaborative projects and documentalist of alternatives around the planet, Franco has been collaborating with processes of social transformation for almost 20 years now. He has participated in multiple initiatives related to learning, communication, technologies, social economy and research on alternative proposals and models.


Gerardo engages in activist scholarship around Buen Vivir, ecopedagogies and practices of re-existence. He explores ways to highlight the many experiments that co-create viable alternatives to the current system and address the global challenges of our times.


Kelly has been active in the fields of international/sustainable development and education for the past 20 years as an activist, researcher and facilitator - in the US, EU, South Asia and Latin America. More recently, aside from mothering two young children, she has been co-designing participatory and transformative pedagogies and research methodologies, especially those that engage directly with local ecologies and communities.


Kū is a native Hawaiian educator, researcher, cultural practitioner, grassroots activist, and expert in Hawaiian language and culture. For the past 35 years, Kū has promoted hands-on learning in the environment, community sustainability and Hawaiian self-determination. Kū is currently launching EA Ecoversity, a Hawaiian-focused post-secondary program that transitions Indigenous youth to culturally-grounded, happy, successful, thriving adults and responsible global citizens.


Paige is a creative educator, designer, and explorer working in the medium of science and technology to promote self-development, civic connections, and learning approaches to understanding collective and individual worldviews.


Rory has spent 20 years implementing learning management solutions with multilateral agencies and nonprofits in the United States, the Middle East, and East Africa. He has broad experience managing the grant cycle from pre-award research and proposal writing to post award grant compliance, budget control, and contract closeout. Rory is happiest when he is collaborating with teams of learners to leverage both traditional and online learning methodologies.


With 20 years of experience teaching in higher education and collaborating with communities in Europe, North and Latin America, Udi’s work focuses on the role and possibility of learning and collaboration to offer hopeful futures. Udi co-founded with Kelly Teamey and others the Enlivened Learning Project and the Ecoversities Alliance, an international alliance of learning places committed to social and ecological justice and regeneration.

2021 - Copyleft, all wrongs reversed :).